Monica Sharma, trained as a physician and epidemiologist, worked for the United Nations since 1988 for 22 years. Currently, she engages worldwide as an International Expert and Practitioner on Leadership Development for Sustainable Change. She works with United Nations, Universities, Management Institutions, governments, business, media and civil society organizations. As a practitioner, her proven track record of generating measurable results at scale, as well as enhancing leadership on every continent, is unique. She brings this experience and capability to all her work. She designs and facilitates programmes for whole systems transformation and leadership development in both developed and developing countries. Using cutting–edge transformational approaches and methodologies, the purpose is to achieve measurable and sustainable change in development, business and peace. She fosters results-oriented partnerships with governments, civil society, business, media and United Nations. She also designs and implements workshops – “learning –in-action programmes” – with both business and non-profit organisations on different aspects of Leadership Development for Sustainable Change. She engaged with over 20 organisations, mostly global.
Dr. Scilla Elworthy a three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee and a recipient of the Niwano Peace Prize. In 2002 she founded Peace Direct, which supports local action against war, and in 1982 founded Oxford Research Group, a think-tank devoted to developing effective dialogue between nuclear weapons policy-makers and their critics. Beginning in 2005 she helped set up The Elders initiative as adviser to Sir Richard Branson, Peter Gabriel and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Scilla is chair of the Civil Society sector of the Hanwang Forum in China, a Councillor of the World Future Council, adviser to The Do School in Hamburg training young social entrepreneurs worldwide, co-director of the Institute for Transformational Futures, and advises to the leadership teams of major international corporations.
Roger Housden is the author of 20 books, including the New York Times bestseller Ten Poems to Change Your Life. Housden’s work has been featured in O: The Oprah Magazine, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times and The Huffington Post. He lives in Sausalito, CA.
Adam Bucko is a co-author of Occupy Spirituality: A Radical Vision for a New Generation. An Activist and spiritual director to many of New York’s homeless Youth, he is a co-founder of the Reciprocity Foundation, empowering homeless youth to break the cycle of poverty, and HAB, a “new monastic” fellowship focused on training young people in radical spirituality and sacred activism.
Dora E. McQuaid is an award-winning poet, activist, speaker and teacher, whose blend of art, emotion and service has earned numerous awards, including a Pennsylvania Governor’s Award, the 2011 New Mexico Woman Writer’s Fellowship from A Room of Her Own Foundation and a 2012 Remarkable Women of Taos, NM honor, among others. Dora’s activism addressing sexual and domestic violence led to her portrait replacing that of former football coach Jerry Sandusky in the Penn State mural. She performs, speaks and teaches internationally, works collaboratively with artists and activists and has published widely. Dora is the author of the scorched earth.
Simran Singh – A creative visionary, transformational catalyst, and rebel in the realms of metaphysics, spirituality, and motivation—is the award winning publisher of 11:11 Magazine. She hosts the #1-rated, syndicated 11:11 Talk Radio on Voice America 7th Wave and On the Lighter Side Radio broadcast on World Puja Network consistently reaches 450,000 listeners each month. Simran’s 11:11 Media Resources, launched in 2008, are freely gifted to enhance conscious evolution and empowered living.
At the young age of nineteen, California surfer, Jake Ducey dropped out of college, left behind a drug filled life and went in search of deeper meaning. His quest led him on a life changing journey that has resulted in his debut book: Into the Wind; My Six-Month Journey Wandering the World for Life’s Purpose (Waterside Publishing) being released in April 2013. Upon return from his spiritual adventure he raised the funds to build a school and home in San Marcos, near Lake Atitlan in Guatemala to support orphans who are taken care of by a Quiché Maya Shaman. Jake’s profound transformation from a college drop-out and drug addict to a inspirational author and motivational speaker had led him into social and environmental activism, including a three-day unlawful detainment for protesting the Keystone XL Oil Pipeline. He has since formed the non-profit organization The Self Reliance Institute (a 501 C3) organization devoted to providing essential resources and opportunities for young people to become more self-reliant. He is author a contributing author to The Rise by NY Times bestselling author Greg S. Reid. A certified yoga-instructor, poet and lyricist, Jake is determined to share his empowering messages to ignite and inspire a new generation of truth seekers.
Mark Matousek is the author of two award-winning memoirs, Sex Death, Enlightenment: A True Story (an international bestseller) and The Boy He Left Behind: A Man’s Search For His Lost Father (Los Angeles Times Discovery Book), as well as When You’re Falling, Dive: Lessons in the Art of Living. A featured blogger for Psychology Today (where his Ethical Wisdom column appears weekly), and the Huffington Post, he has contributed to numerous publications including The New Yorker, O: The Oprah Magazine (where he was contributing editor), The New York Times Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar, Yoga Journal, The Chicago Tribune, Details, AARP, Tricycle: The Buddhist Review (contributing editor), and many others. A popular lecturer and writing teacher, he is the Creative Director of V-Men (with Eve Ensler), an organization devoted to ending violence against women and girls. His latest book is Ethical Wisdom: The Search for a Moral Life.