David Kessler is one of the most well-known experts and lecturers on death and grieving today, reaching hundreds of thousands of people through his books. “On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief through the Five Stages of Loss is co-authored with the legendary Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. David also co-authored with Kübler-Ross, “Life Lessons: Two Experts on Death and Dying Teach us about the Mysteries of Life and Living.” David considers it an honor and privilege to have worked so closely with Elisabeth for ten years and to be with her during her passing.
His work has been discussed in the “Los Angeles Times,” the “New York Times,” “Business Week” and “Life Magazine,” and has been featured on CNN-Cross Fire, NBC, MSNBC, PBS, and “Entertainment Tonight.” He has written for the Boston Globe and The SF Chronicle. He has also been interviewed on “Oprah & Friends” and now writes book reviews for The Los Angeles Times. He is a featured Grief and Loss expert on Oprah.com and AOL Health Expert.